Editorial Guidelines
Dear Researchers
We are pleased to invite you for contributing to our recent book project with your expertise on Bio-Nanomaterials, Elsevier Books, 2020.
Edited Books
Volume 1: Fundamentals of Bionanomaterials
Tentative chapters
-Bionanotechnology, Types, Classification,
-Physical, Chemical and Biological Properties
-Natural and Synthetic Bionanomaterials
-Different techniques for synthesis of Bionanomaterials
-Inorganic Bionanomaterials (Metals, Metal Oxides, Ceramics)
-Organic Bionanomaterials (Properties, xxx, xxxx,)
-Carbon Bionanomaterials (Dots, Nanotubes, Nanosheets, Nanostructures)
-Polymer Bionanomaterials (Gel, Scaffolds, Nanocellulose, Carbohydrate etc)
-Liquid based materials (Gels, Emulsions, Dispersions, Aerosols, etc)
-Characterization techniques for bionanomaterials
-Commercialization and Market
Volume 2: Emerging Applications of Bionanomaterials
Tentative chapters
-Energy applications (Batteries, Supercapacitor, Fuel Cells, Biomass, etc.)
-Environmental applications (Water, Air, Soil, etc.)
-Biomedical applications (Drugs, Carriers, Scaffolds, Tissue, etc.)
-Animal and Agriculture research
-Foods, Packing, Textiles, and other applications
-Construction application
Dr. Ahmed Barhoum (PhD), Lecturer of Nanotechnology, Helwan University, Egypt.
Dr. Jaison Jeevanandam (PhD), Curtin University, Malaysia.
Prof. Dr. Michael Danquah (PhD), University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, United States.
Submission procedure
If interested to contribute for this book project, kindly send your interest along with chapter title, list of authors and abstract (100-150 words) to jaison.jeevanandam@gmail.com on or before May 31, 2020.
The book will be published by the end of 2020. The following delivery dates are proposed. Chapter Submission: due to June 1, 2020 Final draft due August 1, 2020 Publications: November 2020.
The submitted manuscripts will be checked by Plagiarism Detection Software.
Chapter Contents
Editors recommend the following format with a degree of flexibility
- A brief introduction and topic overview of your specific topic: short Abstract (100 words), Introduction (2-3 Pages), other titles, Conclusion and Future prospective
- Total Number of Words 7000-1000 Words
- High resolution Figures 5-10
- Tables 2-3 summarizes the state of the art in the Topic
- Reference Format: By Endnote or Mendeley (Authors, title, Volume, Pages, Year)
Important information
1- If you would contribute with an introductory chapter(s) (History, Properties, Types, Classifications, standard definitions, Regulations, Toxicity), please contact the Editors (see below) and they will guide you.
2- Since the book will include 3-4 introductory chapters on Bionanomateriasl (History, Properties, Types, Classifications, standard definitions, Regulations, Toxicity), it is not recommended contributors repeat this information in the next chapters. For example, if you are going to write a chapter on BioNanomaterlas for drug delivery. We do not expect from contributors to provide an introduction to BioNanomaterlas (properties and definition of nanomaterials, classification) but we expect to them provide introduction for Drug delivery Research (Standard Definitions for Drug Delivery, Drug Loading and Drug Release Mechanisms, Types and Classifications of Drug Nano-Carriers, Characteristics of different nanocarriers, Mechanism of Action, Recent Research of Drug Nanocarrier Research, Safety and Regulations, Figures/Tables/Schemes, etc)
3- As a guide for writing your chapter, we recommend you take an overview on the following chapters:
-CO Nnaji, Jaison Jeevanandam, YS Chan, Ahmed Barhoum, Michael K. Danquah, Engineered Nanomaterials for Wastewater Treatment: Current and Future trends, Fundamentals of Nanoparticles, Elsevier, 129-168, 2018.
-Kei X. Tan, Ahmed Barhoum, Sharadwata Pan, Michael K. Danquah, Risks and Toxicity of Nanoparticles and Nanostructured Materials, Emerging Applications of Nanoparticles and Architecture Nanostructures, Elsevier,121-139, 2018.
-Amit Rastogi, Poonam Singh, Farid A. Harraz, Ahmed Barhoum, Biological Synthesis of Nanoparticles: An Environmentally Benign Approach, Fundamentals of Nanoparticles, Elsevier, 571-604, 2018.
-Ali Karatutlu, Ahmed Barhoum, Andrei Sapelkin, Liquid-phase Synthesis of Nanoparticles and Nanostructured Materials, Emerging Applications of Nanoparticles and Architecture Nanostructures, Elsevier, 597-619, 2018.
-Ali Karatutlu, Ahmed Barhoum, Andrei Sapelkin, Theories of nanoparticle and nanostructure formation in liquid phase, Handbook of nanoparticles and architecture nanostructured materials”, Butterworth-Heinemann, Elsevier, 2018.
4- Permission for reusing Figures and Tables (See Attached file)
Determine if permissions are required for your work
Obtain permission from the original publisher
Acknowledge the original source correctly in your work
Complete the Royal Society of Chemistry Permissions form
Benefits for Contributors
Publication of the chapters will be a free of charge
Editors will contact you shortly, average of the review process 15-30 days
Accepted/Published chapters will be indexed by Scopus and Web of Science
Senior contributor of each chapter will get a free access to the book Chapters
Contact US:
If you have any question, please feel free to contact!
To: ahmed.barhoum@science.helwan.edu.eg and cc to jaison.jeevanandam@gmail.com and michael-danquah@utc.edu
Subject: Title of the book/Question
Main Text: Authors, Title of the Chapter, Your Question
Best wishes!
Editorial Board