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“Research: The distance between an idea and its realization”

- David Sarnoff -

Book chapters
Journal Publications


  1. Sol-gel coupled ultrasound synthesis of photo-activated magnesium oxide nanoparticles: optimization and antibacterial studies

  2. Photo-irradiation coupled biosynthesis of magnesium oxide nanoparticles for antibacterial application

  3. Probing the characteristics and biofunctional effects of disease-affected cells and drug response via machine learning applications

  4. Aptamer-navigated copolymeric drug carrier system for in vitro delivery of MgO nanoparticles as insulin resistance reversal drug candidate in Type 2 diabetes

  5. Facile biogenic fabrication of hydroxyapatite nanorods using cuttlefish bone and their bactericidal and biocompatibility study


  1. Opportunities for metal oxide nanoparticles as a potential mosquitocide

  2. Facile magnesium doped zinc oxide nanoparticle fabrication and characterization for biological benefits

  3. Cytotoxicity analysis of morphologically different sol-gel synthesized MgO nanoparticles and their in vitro insulin resistance reversal ability in adipose cells 

  4. Evaluation and development of antibacterial fabrics using Pongamia pinnata extracts

  5. Phytosynthesized metal oxide nanoparticles for pharmaceutical applications

  6. Parametric study of immobilized cellulase-ICP particles for CMC hydrolysis

  7. RSM optimization of MgO nanoparticles fabricated by ultrasound assisted sol-gel for outstanding antimicrobial and antifungal activities

  8. Effect of precursors on structural and optical properties of sol-gel synthesized ZnO nanopowders 

  9. Copper-doped zinc oxide nanoparticles for the fabrication of white LEDs

  10. Evaluating the antibacterial activity of MgO nanoparticles synthesized from aqueous lead extract

  11. Zebrafish as a model organism to study nanomaterial toxicity

  12. Effect of gelling agent and calcination temperature in sol-gel synthesize MgO nanoparticles

  13. Plant mediated green synthesis and nanoencapsulation of MgO nanoparticles from Calotropis gigantea: Characterization and kinetic release studies

  14. Effect of pH variations on morphological transformation of biosynthesized MgO nanoparticles

  15. Cardiovascular therapies utilizing targeted delivery of nanomedicines and aptamers


  1. Virus-like nanoparticles as a novel delivery tool in gene therapy.

  2. Soft, self-assembly liquid crystalline nanocomposite for superior switching

  3. Review on nanoparticles and nanostructured materials: history, sources, toxicity and regulations

  4. Aggrandize efficiency of ultra-thin silicon solar cell via topical clustering of silver nanoparticles

  5. Aqueous Eucalyptus globulus leaf extract-mediated biosynthesis of MgO nanorods


  1. Biosynthesis and characterization of MgO nanoparticles from plant extracts via induced molecular nucleation

  2. Calcination‐Dependent Morphology Transformation of Sol‐Gel‐ Synthesized MgO Nanoparticles


  1. Nano-formulations of drugs: Recent developments, impact and challenges

  2. Biosynthesis of Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles

  3. Water quality monitoring: A comparative case study of municipal and Curtin Sarawak's lake samples


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