Senior researcher, Centro De Quimica Da Madeira (CQM), Universidade Da Madeira, Portugal (2020-2024)
Research consultant, MKD Labs, USA (2018-2020)
Lecturer and Scientist, ACERT, Chennai, India (2018-2020)
Head, Advanced Phyto and Nanomedicine Research Group
“Research: The distance between an idea and its realization”
- David Sarnoff -
Book chapters
Biofunctional nanoparticles for protein separation, purification and detection
Phytochemicals as emerging therapeutic agents for alopecia treatment
Synthesis of bioactive peptides for pharmaceutical applications
Nanoencapsulation of phytochemicals and in-vitro applications
Metal oxide nanocomposites: Cytotoxicity and targeted drug delivery applications
Cytotoxicity and biomedical applications of metal oxide nanoparticles synthesized from plants
Phytochemical analysis of Nigella sativa L. seeds aqueous extract by GC-MS and FTIR
Engineered nanomaterials for wastewater treatment: current and future trends.
1. Antimicrobial properties of nanobiomaterials and the mechanism
Journal Publications
Opportunities for metal oxide nanoparticles as a potential mosquitocide
Evaluation and development of antibacterial fabrics using Pongamia pinnata extracts
Phytosynthesized metal oxide nanoparticles for pharmaceutical applications
Parametric study of immobilized cellulase-ICP particles for CMC hydrolysis
Effect of precursors on structural and optical properties of sol-gel synthesized ZnO nanopowders
Copper-doped zinc oxide nanoparticles for the fabrication of white LEDs
Evaluating the antibacterial activity of MgO nanoparticles synthesized from aqueous lead extract
Zebrafish as a model organism to study nanomaterial toxicity
Effect of gelling agent and calcination temperature in sol-gel synthesize MgO nanoparticles
Effect of pH variations on morphological transformation of biosynthesized MgO nanoparticles
Cardiovascular therapies utilizing targeted delivery of nanomedicines and aptamers
Virus-like nanoparticles as a novel delivery tool in gene therapy.
Soft, self-assembly liquid crystalline nanocomposite for superior switching
Review on nanoparticles and nanostructured materials: history, sources, toxicity and regulations
Aqueous Eucalyptus globulus leaf extract-mediated biosynthesis of MgO nanorods